Press Releases – The SEO Advantage
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAlthough Press Releases are designed to announce important information, there are plenty of SEO benefits. In order to increase exposure to your website, building links (backlinks) will help improve rankings and position. A quality written press release in addition to strategic SEO design, will be a huge advantage to any business. So what are we looking for?
Your release should be targeted towards your market and not contain any ‘unrelated babble.’ Yes that’s right, poorly written content will only reflect poorly for your business. SEO and content work together, not apart. Use tools to research your market and examine your competitors.
Titles and keywords related to your press release should be naturally integrated, seamless and not obvious. Adding too many keywords could affect your reader’s interest and appear obvious to the distribution service. Some companies will not publish press releases if it is purely for SEO ranking. Make sure that keywords and content contain anchor links, which will lead your market to pertinent web pages.
Once you have pushed your release to the public, make sure to promote on your own company blog and social networks. Try not to duplicate your content, change it up a little as Search Engines are known not to approve of too much content that appears to be duplicated in on many other websites.
An established paid distribution service such as PRWeb should be used rather than services that are free. It is not worth hurting your campaign, however there are organic SEO techniques should cost be a controlling factor.
Is your company ready to start a press release campaign or improve SEO ranking locally or internationally? One keyword we recommend…time4design.