Web Design
More than just a website footer?
A footer can convey a lot about a website. A website’s ‘footer’ is located at the bottom, holding quality content relative to the business.
Does My Website Need A Mobile Solution?
It is clearly evident that more people are spending time using their mobile phones—at home, in the office, on the train. As any online marketer knows, the only way to survive the competitive market is to cater to these group …
Let’s talk about WordPress
A cost effective strategy for any business is to take on the responsibility of editing their own website. The ability to change content, add imagery, and build new pages is a smart decision, but of course requires a platform that …
Center of Digital Transformation at Fordham University
Time4design is very pleased to announce that our award winning, full service digital agency has just completed another exciting project for Fordham University. The site for the Center of Digital Transformation (CDT) was launched this week and already we have …
We Responded!
Time4design has come a long way. Since our company launched in the fall of 2001, we have payed close attention to web trends and standards to ensure that that we are able to offer cutting edge design in the ever …